Many people seek acupuncture for help with pain management and mental health support, as well as a range of acute and chronic conditions such as back pain, sciatica, fertility, headaches, digestive issues, and allergies. Feel free to contact me if you’d like to discuss how acupuncture can help you.
Heal Acupuncture in Hackney offers LGBTQ+ affirmative care. Please see more on my inclusion policy here.
Following on from your initial consultation, we will be drawing on the following theories to determine the best course of treatment;
Five Elements
Stems and Branches
Traditional Chinese Medicine
For more on the history of acupuncture and the above theories click here.
your appointment
New patients are first invited to have an online consultation to discuss their health and reasons for coming.
For your in-person appointment, we will have an initial chat to discuss how you are feeling and agree on the focus of your treatment before you will be asked to lie down on the couch and get comfortable.
A number of diagnostic techniques will then be used in order to form a final diagnosis.
With your consent, I may wish to feel your abdomen and other areas of the body to locate areas of tension or deficiency. If you are coming with muscular pain, it may be helpful to locate the area of pain and check the range of movement.
The tongue is an important diagnostic tool in East Asian Medicine. By asking to look at your tongue, I can get a better understanding of fluids and movement within the body.
Before and during your treatment I will ask to read your pulse on both wrists. Like the other diagnostic tools, pulse reading sign posts the practitioner to areas of tension and deficiency in the body and helps to monitor the efficacy of your treatment.